martes, 12 de abril de 2016

First Class / Second Period

In my first class, I had many new experiences; I saw that the students were really interested in my class, and in the class, I also had many challenges because in the classroom where I had to teach, there was a class before, so it meant that I had to prepare everything in front of them and in front of the teacher; it made feel a little bit more nervous as usual because everybody was looking at me. Moreover, the arrangement was not appropriated, so I had to ask the students to move, and it was uncomfortable. I used U style. While I was preparing the board and the material, the teacher was taking notes of everything that I wrote on the board, and the students were talking. In general, I think the environment was normal and with good vibes. In the first three minutes of my class, I saw that the students wanted to participate in the class, and they were very active. They needed to move to get into the class. They were kinesthetic students. I heard they had a very Basic English; they knew a lot, and they could correct themselves. At the moment of starting with the warm up, they participated without any problem.

For the warm up, I decided to order the lyrics of a song, but I think that it was not working the way I wanted because it was difficult for the students to put it in order. Although a warm up can be related of the topic or not, I think that they should be related of the topic all the time. By doing this, the students can get a brief knowledge of the topic, and if we forget this, we can hinder the information that we as teachers need to know like how much the students know about certain topic.

On the other hand, I made kinesthetic activities. Based on what I already know about this kind of activities, they can help the students to learn easier, and sometimes, they can forget that they are just learning, and English is improved.
Based on what I observed, students like speaking activities and kinesthetic activities, and that can keep them sitting more than fifteen minutes.

So in the future classes, I will avoid bringing warm up activities that are not related to the topic. Also, I will try to give more time to students to develop the activities. In the other hand, in my future lessons, I will try to take out all the material pasted on the wall because they can saturate the view of the students because they will not know where to look at. The next time I teach this lesson, I will bring a variety of activities, which help me to reach the objective more in concrete 

Second Class / Second Period

In my second class, I could perceive more confidence from the student to me. Before class, the students were talking and asking about some homework that they had with the teacher, and they asked as well some doubts about English. The teacher, as always, was taking notes about everything that I did. During class, they were participating and giving opinions about what I asked to them. The environment was kind of different because the students seemed to be kind of tired. The arrangement was U style; the warm up I designed was useful to review the previous topic, and I could see the difference that they could show through their knowledge. 

On the other hand, I brought very different activities because I used multimedia material like laptop, speakers and projector. I developed a PDP, and I can say that it really worked because the students learned new words. In the pre activity, I asked them some questions related to the video, and they started to discuss. During the video, they watched the video twice, and they had to answer some questions according to the video. In the Post activity, the students discussed the video. 

Based on what I observed, I think students generally pay more attention in class when you use videos, songs and listening activities. I believe that the use of varied activities can give you the opportunity to know if the students have learned the lesson.

So, in the future, I will include multimedia material, and the next time I teach this lesson, I will include more speaking activities.

Third Class / Second Period

My last class was really different from the previous ones because it became from fifty minutes to twenty- five minutes. That happened because my classmate and I had to teach the same day, and the time was not enough. This was really difficult for me because in seconds, I had to decide between many activities and chose the best to achieve the objective.

The students seemed to be distractive; the teacher was taking notes and paying attention. The environment was kind of tired. I guessed it was because the students spent a lot of time sitting. The materials that I used were bond paper, markers and the board.
During the activities, the students understood the lesson, and the activities were done without any complication. I think this was because the topic was easy. Although the time that I had to teach was very brief, the students could get and use the topic. In the little time that I had, I think it hide their learning process because I did very fast.

Based on what I observed, I think students generally get bored and tired when the activities are fill in the blanks or match. They needed to be standing. I taught them the use of WH questions in simple present continuous and future, so the next time that I teach this lesson, I will try to make more speaking activities and kinesthetic activities to help de-stress to the students.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

Third Class

In my last class, I made a speaking activity which consisted on pasting sheets of paper with ten sentences around the class; they were not formulated, so the students did it by telling them to a partner. They had to stand up where the sheet of paper was and make the sentences. What I saw was that they had some problems with the causes “get and have”; however, they did very good during the activity. The environment was focused on sharing and trying to finish the sentences. The teacher was looking at my performance.

I believe that speaking activities can help to improve students’ knowledge because they allow students to make mistakes and correct themselves.
The next time that I teach this lesson, I will try to look for more information about the topic because I looked just for few examples.


Second Class


In my second class, I noticed that the students were always late. While we were waiting for some students to start the class, some students were very kind with me and helped me to change the sitting arrangement. When the class started, they were with the same good attitude of the preview class. The teacher again was sitting in a corner and checking some homework, and at the same time, he was paying attention to me. The environment was kind, and friendly. As the preview class, I changed the arrangement to u style. In this class, I used more cardboard, which I pasted on the wall and the board; I also used markers, the book, and the board.


I tried to use more visual aids because in the first class, I noticed that the students pay attention and focus when they see something. What I guess is that if I continue using this aid, I will catch the students’ attention faster. Consequently, the students will have a meaningful learning.
The sitting arrangement and the visual aids are really important in this class because they permit to improve the language. The lack of visual aid in this class might hide students’ learning because they get distracted, and it is more difficult for them to understand the topic.
Based on what I already know about the importance of the variety of the activities, I think that in an English class, it is indispensable; moreover, it becomes something helpful for the practitioner or the teacher to maintain persistence and attention.
Based on what I observed, I think students generally prefer speaking activities than other types of activities; however, they do not like to stand up too much, and they prefer to be at their seats.
I believe that the fact that students always arrive late can hide their learning. First, they interrupt the class, and second, they are lost in the activities, so the teacher might lost lose focus.

So in the future, I will take into account the punctuality. Also, in the future lessons, I will try to explain to them things in general because the other students might have the same question. 

First Class

In the first three minutes of my class, I saw that the students were interested in the lesson, and I noticed that they liked the warm up activity. I also heard that they had a very good English level which permitted a good rapport. The students did everything that I asked them to do. I noticed that they wanted to learn from me because when I started with the first activity, they paid attention, and they started to work as soon as I stopped giving directions. Moreover, they were very respectful. While I was in my class the teacher sat in a corner of the classroom, and he was taking notes and paying attention to my class.

Because students’ mood to learn, the environment was relax, and there was noise only when students were speaking. Also, the students had good conversations between them, and they helped each other.
I think the arrangement helped the environment. I decided to use the u style, and definitely, it helped to the share. The materials that I used were the teacher’s book, markers, pages, and the board; I used them during the whole class.
I think that the use of the u style in the class helped when they did a reading activity, and then, they shared the others about it.

Sitting arrangement and good communication between the students are important points because students can practice the language and lose fair of speaking. Another important point is to bring a variety of activities; this helps students’ learning to develop the four macro skills.
Based on what I already know about the rapport, I think this helped me to try to relax during the class and develop my class with confidence. Based on what I observed, I think students generally come late to the class, which hinder their learning.
In the future classes, I will try to bring more visual materials. Likewise, in the future class, I will develop more listening activities. The next time I teach this lesson, I will have more practice on pronunciation because I had problems with three words at the moment to teach them the pronunciation. It was really embarrassed, but I know that I will not forget the pronunciation of those words. Finally, in future experiences, I will also include some listening activities.